Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Road Trips and Plugs

Saturday, 1 November 2008.

All Saints’ Day. Apparently a national holiday in Deutschland.

Due to our laziness, the three of us couldn’t be bothered to get ready in time to walk Megan to her train. She had to get home by around two, so she could go and play football. I offered to take her to the station by car, meaning we could leave another half hour later.

But… (there always seems to be a but in these cases) because the weather has been really cold and I haven’t run the engine of my car, it couldn’t start. My car is quite old, too, which was a factor. But it took a long time to get it running, with an attempt by spark pugs, and maybe even jump starting it by towing. However, for some reason, my car didn’t come equipped with a towing eye. I wonder if the for sale advert would read:

“VW Golf MkIII. 5-door. 1.9 Diesel. M Reg.
High mileage. Tape player (with a dodgy speaker).
No dashboard lights. Green with a
black boot door. Alloy wheels. Whines.
Tow eye sold separately.
Price - just bring a pack of Pom Bears.”

But all these are the unique characteristics of my car. I couldn’t get rid of it easily at all… even if it does make funny noises. But we eventually got my car started by pushing it up and down the street a few times, and also with the with the grateful help from Megan and Emily and Emily’s host family! I think I set a good example of British cars.

The failed attempt by powering the battery.

So we were on your way, we completely missed the train Bad Bodendorf and Remagen, so I had to take Megan to Koblenz station in time for her train home. After a couple of interesting experiences with not-so-good German drivers who don’t indicate, but cut in front of people, and a good one-way system in the centre, we eventually arrived at the station. However, time was running über thin and she had to get to platform 105 (which is a ridiculous number) in two minutes. Which didn’t happen. So… we got back in the car and set off from Koblenz, via Mainz and Frankfurt, and up to Butzbach. This was much more fun than visiting Bonn for the day!

My mixed tapes. And the right-hand drive car.
The Canadians were amused by these.
Maybe they are that far back in time...

And we arrived in Megan’s house in time. Had some spaghetti Bolognese and me and Emily went back to Bad Bodendorf (I also forgot my shower gel and spongy thing there). The journey back was also good, we decided to take a short-cut via the countryside and towns, in one which I saw a British phone box. I felt at home. I was chuffed.
During the journey back, I learnt one thing that Europa (or Germany and Britain, at least) did not have, which is the norm in Canada… all ve-hickles have these plugs, where people plug them in and it keeps the engine heated so it could start. Something that my car could have done with earlier. But I still am unsure on how it works. Where does the plug go? How long is the cable? What happens if you’re not at home, and there is no plug in whenever you are? And can my car have one of these? How odd.

One of the country/forest roads back.
Ist es nicht schön?

So, after dropping Emily off, I started to head back home. However, I didn’t have school ‘till Tuesday, so I decided to phone up Rob in Worms and visit him for a bit. He only lives like an hour or two away, so I made my way further Süd.

1 comment:

  1. Plugs. How odd indeed. I found a link for you- explains everything. you'll see in the picture that the cord on the car is quite short- that's where the extension cord comes in. you buy 2 of them. one to leave plugged into the socket at home and a long one that you throw in your trunk and take with you where ever you go.
