Wednesday, 1 April 2009

The first of April

And it’s quite a significant day for a couple of reasons, to be honest.

It’s obvious to everyone… or maybe at least some, that it’s April Fool. It was around this time two years ago that I was in Cyprus with the ATC, and for the April Fool joke, us CWOs and a couple of the other NCOs played a prank on the lower ranks.

Then, it was around the time when there were troubles with the Royal Marines and Iran, and so we came up with the idea that we’ll persuade the rest of them that a few Royal Marines and Special Forces were going to Iran and stopping off at RAF Akrotiri, and therefore needing our accommodation as the rest of the base was full.

So we told the rest that we have to move into tented accommodation near the airfield, so they had to pack absolutely everything and form up on the nearby car park. Only to be told that they’d been had. ‘twas great. Granted that not everyone took the joke to heart, but they eventually got over it! But I must say, it was much better than crappy jokes like pointing behind someone shouting there’s a pink elephant or a flying pig.

Another reason that today is significant is because it was 212 days ago that I first arrived in Germany! Not that 212 is a number that means anything to me… but it’s made up of two different numbers… it’s… it’s what you get with 53 fours! And in a normal year, the 212th day is the 31st of July… not that the date means anything to me, either… apart from it being 3 weeks before my birthday! So I guess that could be a link…

And today, I leave Recklinghausen and Nordrhein-Westfalen for a bit. I’ll be driving down to Worms to meet Rob and then tomorrow we shall disembark on our road trip around southeastcentral-ish Europe! Should be good. However, that means I may not write on the Blog for a while… I may write a few stuff for it, but I may not be able to load it online. But I’m sure to write stuff about it!

It should go well, especially as the weather really has improved since the clocks went forward. I haven’t seen a cloud for a few days! But I may need to get a good atlas, to be honest. My atlas is alright, but the rural areas look barren, especially in the Balkan countries. And also Google Maps present Sarajevo and Belgrade as colourful, bright, lively, bustling metropolis.

Ha! April Fool on that one.

In fact, I have no idea what these cities look like, as it seems they are just empty and grey on the maps. Not sure if it’s that bad that there is no need to display them, or Google haven’t scanned that area yet. But I doubt those are the cases. Two capital cities are not going to be flat wasteland with a wooden privy and a mad, old woman. And Google Maps surely would have taken satellite photos of them, they even have a photo or two of my old car on Street View. So it must be a government thing. They are still communists at heart.

But anyway, I think that is all to write about for now. Apart from one thing I’ve been meaning to write, and it’ll be pointless to write about by the time I get back. So I’ll get onto it for the next post!

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