I have finally started to watch the current series of BBC's Torchwood... and in the opening few minutes (5 minutes exactly... give or take a second or two), the scene pans across some cliffs and coastline. And I recognised it immediately as the Gower! So, I thought I'd share some photos of mine of the area of Gower were filming took place... (well, the places I recognised). You may also recognise these locations if you have also seen the episode! So, I hope you like... and maybe comment if you wish. Would be nicely appreciated!
The following photos are parts of the southern Gower coast, which may have been included in the aerial shots in the first episode. I think I saw some bits I know... but I have another photo or two, which definitely has the scene. Almost the exact shot, actually!

And here it is! This is what you'll see first when the location switches from the hospital room (with the big, bright light into which Rex is looking up at), to the Gower.
The photos below show the Old Rectory, which is the setting for Gwen Cooper's house.

This is the view from the car of the CIA official, Rex. Now, in the episode, it looks as if he's just arrived in the village of Rhossili. But, if you know the area, you may come to realise, that the only way up that road from that direction is from Worm's Head. And to get to Worm's Head by car, you need to pass this point. So... unless he got lost, missed the site and turned around, he must have driven the car up some cliffs... from the sea. hmm...
Here is the beach, which the house faces. This is the northern end of it, with Worm's Head to the south and out of view. I'd like to note that the camping and caravan park there (Hillend, near Llangennith) is the only road access to the beach, which is opposite to where Jack was driving the 4x4 when being chased by the helicopter. In fact, he was driving towards cliffs (see below this photo). But this could be an intentional motive by the producers. I'm just saying...

An aerial view of Worm's Head and the bit of land where Rex "turned around". See below for that one.

This is the view from the summit of Rhossili Down, which is where Gwen Cooper's house is (and it's just below this trig point).

This is the shipwreck of Helvetia. This is also the beach where the helicopter chases the 4x4.

This is Worm's Head, taken from the path leading up to the top of Rhossili Down, which is the hill on which Gwen Cooper' house (or the Old Rectory) is situated.

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