„Wir legen neun Kilometer hinter der Front. Gestern wurden wir abgelöst; jetzt haben wir den magen voll weißer Bohnen und Rindfleisch und sind satt und zufrieden. Sogar für abends hat jeder noch ein Kochgeschirr voll fassen können; dazu gibt es außerdem doppelte Wurst – und Brotportionen – das schafft. So ein Fall ist schon lange nicht mehr dagewesen: der Küchenbulle mit seinem roten Tomatenkopf bietet das Essen direkt an; jedem, der vorbeikommt, winkt er mit seinem Löffel zu und füllt ihm einen kräftigen Schlag ein. Er ist ganz verzweifelt, weil er nicht weiß, wie er seine Gulaschkanone leerkriegen soll. Tjaden und Müller haben ein paar Waschschüsseln aufgetrieben und sie sich bis zum Rand gestrichen voll geben lassen, als Reserve. Tjaden macht das aus Freßsucht, Müller aus Vorsicht. Wo Tjaden es läßt, ist allen ein Rätsel. Er ist und bleibt ein magerer Hering.“
“We are at rest five miles behind the front. Yesterday we were relieved, and now our bellies are full of beef and haricot beans. We are satisfied and at peace. Each man has another mess-tin full for the evening; and, what is more, there is a double ration of sausage and bread. That puts a man in fine trim. We have not had such luck as this for a long time. The cook with his carroty head is begging us to eat; he beckons with his ladle to everyone that passes, and spoons him out a great dollop. He does not see how he can empty his stewpot in time for coffee. Tjaden and Müller have produced to washbasins and had them filled up to the brim as a reserve. In Tjaden this is voracity, in Müller it is foresight. Where Tjaden puts it is all a mystery, for he is and always will be as thin as a rake.”
This book, published in 1929, tells a moving, detailed and personal insight, through the eyes and words of twenty year-old Paul Bäumer, into the fight for survival of his and his friends and former schoolmates during the futility, dangers and squalidness of – as well as the monotony – of trench warfare of the Great War.
The problems which these soldiers come across shape their lives; their being – and also define their outlook on life. Despite being such a young age, between the ages of 18 and 20, they experience more than what their parents, teachers and elders have in their entire lives. They suffer extreme hunger – hunting rats and living off bland beans; the peril of shells and continuous bombardment; the lack of experience and training of younger recruits at boot camp; and even the lack of women! This story is set during war, but it focuses more on the everyday life and the situation these young men find themselves in. There are no heroic deeds and Rambo-style actions, but instead a fraternal bond developing within the group as they endure their struggle in the trenches.
These men’s lives are the war, as it becomes clear that they live and die over gaining and losing pieces of foreign lands often of trivial sizes, not at all proportional to the number casualties, such as that of a rugby pitch. Bäumer mentions how, at this point in his life, he should be having the time of his life – travel, women, starting a career, being with his friends and family and maybe even start a family. It somewhat brings the realisation back to the reader that we do often take life for granted. These soldiers, they did not want to be there, they did not even want to enlist, and instead they were urged to do so by their schoolteacher, then realising they felt the duty to do so, to fight in a war they did not understand.
What Paul experiences when returning home on leave is a change of attitude and to a different outlook on life. His village and its people are all unaffected by the war, and therefore he cannot fit in again. Life in this village is too normal, too quiet and even ignorant to what goes on at the front line. Surprisingly – or maybe not due to the case of his experiences at home again – he feels more at home in the trenches, to where he has grown adept and where he has formed a special bond with his comrades, since the only person he can really connect with is his dying mother.
Returning to war, he experiences many things, both good and terrible: shaping him and his friends into people they did not want to become. Paul, in the end, has had enough of life, saying that he cares no more on what happens. His life ended when he joined up: losing all freedom and aims in life as the war battled on; as his generation shall never be able to settle back to a normal life again and without a promising future. As Remarque stated at the beginning of the book “This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and at least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped the shells, were destroyed by the war.”
This book – not a war story, but an anti-war story and told as a monologue and in a “first-hand account” – was written by a veteran of that war. However, it was soon banned and subsequently publicly burned by the Nazi Party, but nowadays it is widely regarded as one of the greatest pieces of literature of the twentieth century. He describes the immense difficulty that these soldiers live in and how they struggle to come back home to civilian life. And the civilians back home, as well as the generals, colonels and such, are seemingly unaware about the shocking situations on the front and the anguish felt by the normal soldiers.
This story shows the insight of the life of an ordinary soldier, and how insignificant he was as an individual during this war, and it can also be the same for the opposing sides. So even though it was written by a German veteran and set in the German trenches, it does not mean on the other side of No Man’s Land, that the same standards of life; the struggles of survival and the atrocious conditions, as well as the disregard of life by commanding officers were commonplace.
It is also nice to read about the Great War, since there is so many works in all types of media about the Second World War, though I really mean no disrespect to those involved in that war. And it is also even rarer to read something coming from the “defeated”, and a very interesting insight to how they coped, even though it is fiction. Who is to say these things did not happen? But, there is nobody today who is able to fully understand how much life was so terrifying, frustrating, frightening and damning to those soldiers in the trenches, and how fragile and random life can really be.
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